The Black Prince

...en español

Return to The Artists of Myths...

Rolando Peña is one of the most outstanding Latin American artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. His long and uninterrupted international career has been characterized by seeking innovation, dialoguing with the fundamental concepts of our time, and as a pioneer using technology in art.

His rich artistic career has led him to participate in important universal waves of creativity throughout his life. He began his career combining his training in dance and architecture with “happenings” in the Avant Garde scene of New York in the 1960s. At the time he collaborated with figures such as Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary and Andy Warhol, in The Factory.

Starting in 1980 he begins the development of a dense, continuous, and critical oeuvre on the topic of oil in its different manifestations as a factor of economic illusion and power. Through this line of work, encompassing drawings, engravings, photographs, film, video, performances, and public space sculptures, he established a prime political-ecological position, which pioneered the challenges of this century. His work in this area earned him a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2009.

His pursuit of links between art, science, and technology has led him to experiment with the most state-of-the-art ideas in physics. He says his legacy in art is turning life into the poem of infinity.

Rolando Peña has exhibited his work since 1963 in multiple museums and galleries in USA, Spain, France, Germany and Venezuela, and participated in the Venice Biennial, 2008. A new anthology of his work, “Welcome to My Art World” was published in 2022 and is available through Amazon.

His series Photomatons begun in 1960, and of which the illustration for the vignette PURITY in Myths of our Humanity is part of, continues to this day.


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